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                “My companions are like guiding stars. Follow any one of them and you will be guided aright”. So runs a saying of the Messenger of Allah. History saw the literal fulfillment of these prophetic words. The author of the History of the Arabs, Phillip K. Hitti enthusiastically declares: ‘

                 After the death of the Prophet, sterile Arabia seems to have been converted, as if by magic, into a nursery of heroes, the like of Whom, both in numbers and quality, is hard to find anywhere.

                H.G. Wells in the outline of History, write in a similar strain:

              “And the military campaign that now began were among the most brilliant in the world’s history. Arabia had suddenly become a garden of ‘finemen’”.

               Willian stearns Davis, another Western writer, observed in his short history of the Near East: “the stimulus of opportunity developed great strategies and tactician among their chiefs. Such generals as Khalid, the sword of Allah, Amr, the conqueror of Egypt, Mu’awiya and Saad bin Abiwaqas are among the high captain of military history”.

              The greatest miracle performed by Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was his unparalleled success in transforming the hitherto barbarous and little-known land of Arabia into a nursery of heroes. After the dead of the Prophet, his illustrious companions addressed themselves to the task of regenerating humanity. The task was undertaken with a zeal and accomplished with a faith that have become the marvels of history. The result was the whirlwind advance of the new awakening over most parts of the known world. Countries and people that had hitherto languished in frustrating existence suddenly discovered a new purpose in life and rose to heights of power and glory.

            Apart from the Khulafa-Rashidun. Caliphar Abubakr (632-638AD) Caliphar Umar the great (634-644AD) Uthsman Ibn Affan (644-656 AD) Caliphar Ali Ibn Abu Talib (657-661AD) which were known to the world. This article briefly recounts the life stories of two of the leading companions of the Messenger of Allah. It is written in an easy graceful, most interesting and inspiring reading especially for youth and school children. These luminous star shed sure light on the path that leads to true greatness and real happiness. Because of preoccupation with affluence the modern muslim world is rapidly losing track of this path. This calamity has to be averted. It is for our youths to rediscover the path that made early muslims the benefactors and leaders of mankind.

            From early youth, Hamza was known in Mecca for his love of game, sport and chase. One afternoon as he entered the city after an exciting day of chase, he was greeted by a slave-girl. “Abu Ammara”, she shouted, “I wish you had been in the city a little earlier so that you could see that helpless plight of your nephew Muhammad. He stood in Kaaba preaching his faith when Abu Jahl came up. Without the least excuse he started getting rough with Muhammad, heaping abuse on him and molesting him, poor Muhammad uttered no word of protest and at last left the place in helplessness.

           Hamza had thus been too occupied with his light pursuit to ponder over the message of Islam. But the words of the slave-girl sank deep into his heart and touched off a train of profound thoughts. For the first time, he felt the sudden pull of the doctrine of unity preached by his nephew. The more he thought over the beauty of it, the more sorry he felt that he had till then kept his mind shut against the message of Islam. He resolved to make amends for what he had missed and made straight for Kaaba.

          Abu Jahl was still there. Hamza walked up to him and hit the wretch on the head with his bow. The blow was so hard that blood gushed out. Seeing this, some of Abu Jahl’s kinsmen rushed to his side and burst out in amazement, “Hamza! Have you also given up the religions of your forefathers? “I fearlessly declare my acceptance of Islam” shouted back Hamza. Now that I am convinced of its truth nothing can keep me from it. I declare that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and he preaches the truth. By Allah, I will not give up the truth.

         Hamza’s dauntless challenge came as a surprise to Abu Jahl. He stared sheepishly at his kinsmen and said “let Abu Ammara alone. A little while back, I was rough with his nephew.

        Hamza easily stands out as one of the dearest companions of the Prophet (S.A.W). he had close blood ties with him. Not only was he the Prophet real paternal uncle, Hamza’s mother was also a cousin of the Prophet’s mother, Amina. On top of this, both of them had been sucked during infancy by Suwaiba, the slave girl of Abu Lahab. However, Hamza was ten years old older than the Prophet.

       By coming over to Islam, Hamza drew still closer to the Prophet (S.A.W). The small hand of the first muslims had hitherto felt so powerless before the mounting wrath of the Quraish, that they dared not meet publicly. They met secretly at Arqam’s house. Here they prayed to Allah and discussed their plan of action. By joining this band of weak, Hamza became a pillar of strength for Islam. The ruthless Quraish chief came to know that they would now have to reckon with the dauntless Hamza if their high handedness continued as before. This put a brake on their evil game and earned far Hamza the title of “LION OF ALLAH”.

       One morning the Prophet (S.A.W) sat ringed by the handful of muslims at Arqam’s house. Presently there was a knock at the door. The door was opened and Omar entered, sword in hand. Uneasy glances were exchanged because Omar was known for his hostility to Islam. Hamza put everybody at ease by declaring, “if he comes as a friend, he is most welcome. But if he has any sinister designs, his head shall be struck off with his own sword.” As Omar passed forward, it became clear that he was no longer his old self. He had already been won over to the religion of truth and was repeating aloud the confession of faith. Feeling of joy and thankfulness swept over the gathering and went the shouts of “ALLAH IS GREAT”.

          The Prophet was quick to recognize Hamza’s rare military genius. After migration to Medina the first task before the Prophet was to develop a sense of security among his followers. This could only be done by demonstrating that the public founded by him was strong enough to meet any challenge. The trade route to the Quraish ran some distance past Medina. The Prophet decided that small parties of the Muslims should test that met the against Quraish caravans.

         The first man be sent on this mission was Hamza. He took the standard of Islam and at the head of thirty men marched toward the sea-cost. Here he came across Abu Jahl’s caravan, consisting of 300 horsemen. Both side drew up for a trial of strength. But a local chief prevailed upon Abu Jahl not to push things too far. The pyramid Meccan accepted the advice, no fighting took place, but the encounter taught, Abu Jahl respect for Islam. Hamza lead two more parties on a similar mission. But each time no encounter with the enemy took place. All the same these expeditions added greatly to the prestige of Islam.

         In the second year of Hijra came the battle of Badr. Frightened by the growing strength of Islam, the Meccans had decided to deal it a crippling blow before it was too late. In the month of Ramadan, a huge Meccan army fully equipped, started rolling down towards Medina. The prophet could march no than 313 equipped men to halt the enemy.

        The battle began with single combats.Hamza, Ali and Obaida were asked by the Prophet to meet the challenge of the three warriors from the other side. In no time Hamza and Ali cut down their adversaries. Seeing this the enemy made a general attack and the two armies were locked in bitter fighting.

          Before long the enemy, despite overwhelming might, began to reel under muslim blows. One meccan warrior became the special terror of the Meccans. He wore a plume of ostrich feathers on his turban and had drawn swords in both hands. Wherever he went, he charted the enemy horrides with both his swords like stalks of grass. Panic stricken, the Meccans took to flight, leaving behind a large booty and several prisoners of war.

         The question put by the prisoners to their captors was ‘who was the man with the plume? “It was Hamza,” came the reply. “it was he who let loose hell on us today”, they remarked.

       The debacle of Badr, came as a stunning blow to the proud Meccans. By and by they recovered from the blow and began to talk of revenge. The plot of defeat had to be wept off. The second thing they wanted most was to kill Hamza. They knew too well that it was impossible to overwhelm Hamza in the openfight. Some trick had to be developed to take him by surprise. War frenzy gripped Mecca once again. Before the year was out, preparations for the second attack on Medina were complete. A clever trick had also been devised to strike down Hamza. Wahshi, a negro slave was known for his unusual skill in the use of the javelin. He was promised liberty if he slew Hamza in the upcoming battle . wahshi created his own javelin with poison and practiced his deadly arts for weeks.

            In the third year of Hijra, a mighty Meccan host was once again on its way to Medina. The Prophet got to know of the coming of the blow when it was almost within sight. He collected his men and marched them to the foot of Mount Uhud, about three miles from the city. Here the second trial of strength with the Meccans began. A noted Meccan warrior marched out of the enemy lines to offer single combat. Hamza at once accepted the challenge and out dawn the wretch. This was followed by general fighting , once again Hamza began the terror of the Meccans. Their lines broke before his irresistible assaults. In a matter of minutes it cut down as many as 30 Meccans. In the meantime Wahshi sat crouched behind a rock, holding the deadly javelin. Presently Hamza came within range and Wahshi struck at him with all his might.

             The next moment Hamza, the Lion of Allah lay dead on the ground. Hind and other Quraish women who had all the time kept their gaze fixed on Hamza were made with joy. They rushed to where the prince of Martry’s lay. Hind was particularly bitter against him. It was he who has cut down her father and brother at Badr. Now he lay dead before her and she was bent upon carrying her revenge to inhumanity limits. She cuts off his ears and nose and made a necklace for herself. Then she ripped open his belly and drawing out the liver chewed it with beastly pribe. After the Meccan invaders had left, the Prophet made a round of the battlefield. All the martyrs were laid before him.

             The sight of Hamza’s mutilated body horrified the Prophet. In a grief stricken tone he addressed the Lion of Allah thus: “Allah’s blessing be upon you. As far as I know, you had the softest heart for the rear of kin and you lead the way in act of kindness”. Overwhelmed with grief Hamza’s sister Safiya came to have a last look of her brother. The Prophet thus, realizing that she would be horrified beyond description. She departed leaving behind two sheets to cover the dead body of her brother. As the martyrs were being laid to rest, it was found that there was no cloth to cover the dead body of one of them. The Prophet decided that Hamza should have one sheet and his second sheet should go to this uncovered martyr. This was done, however, one sheet proved too short to cover Hamza’s tall frame. So his feet were covered with grass. Thus was laid to eternal rest the greatest martyr of Islam.

         Hamza’ death meant a great blow to the cause of Islam. Naturally the prophet felt overwhelmed with grief. In fact, he was never able to put aside the memory of his noble and gallant uncle. When he became the undisputed master of Arabia, Hamza’s killer Wahshi, one day stood before him, pleading guilty and asking for forgiveness. “You are forgiven Wahshi”. But pray do me one favour always keep out of my sight because you remind me of my dear uncle. Wahshi faithfully carried out the Prophet wish. However, the burden of sin weighed heavily upon his heart. He yearned for an opportunity to atone his sin. The opportunity came during Abubakr Caliphate. Wahshi was in the army sent out to crush the infamous imposter, Musailama, Wahshi’s javelin was responsible for striking down the imposter.

         Life at Mecca was more and more unbearable for the Muslims. However, the Prophet had assurance from Allah that Islam was soon going to find a haven safety. Before long the assurance began to take material shape. At the next annual gathering of Hajj 72 men from Yathrib secretly met the Prophet in a vale at Mina. They declared their acceptance of Islam and requested the Prophet to migrate to their city. Before he could give any reply his uncle, Abbas stood up and said: “Look you people of Khazra tribe Muhammad has always been loved and respected by his kinsfolk. We have throughout stood by him against his foes. Now you want him to go and live among you. For this you will have to give an undertaking to stand by him to his last breath. If you cant, leave him alone.

            Abbas said these words when he was still outside the fold of Islam. All the same he had deep sympathy with the Prophet and his cause. The Prophet was aware of this or he would not have permitted Abbas to be present at the secret talks. Abbas was a paternal uncle of the Prophet and was almost his age. After the death of his father, Abdul Muttalib, Abbas became the keeper of the Holy Ka’aba. He was also responsible for watering the pilgrims. These offices he carried them with great prestige. Abbas used his influence to protect the interests of Islam long before he himself became a Muslim.

           The battle of Badr saw Abbas fighting on the side of the Meccans. At heart he did not want this, but he just couldn’t say “no” to the Meccan chiefs. The Prophet knew of Abbas difficulty and adviced his men to stay their hands, should Abbas or any other of the Hashimites come under their swords. Abbas and two of his nephews, Aqil and Naufil, were among prisoners of war. As a security measure, the prisoners were tied hand and food at night. Abbas happened to be tied so tightly that he started groaning pathetically. This made the Prophet so restless that he left his bed and began to pace about sensing the cause of the Prophet uneasiness, the companions loosened the knots that tied Abbas. The prisoners were without enough clothes. The Prophet ordered that they be provided necessary clothes. Abbas was so tall that no shirt seemed to fit him. Seeing this Abdullahi Bin Ubayy, the leader of hypocrites was quite as tall as Abbas, offered his shirt to him. The Prophet did not forget this favour Ubayy and gave his shirt to cover the latter’s body when he died. Finally it was decided to set the prisoners free on payment of ransom.

           Abbas mother belonged to the Khazraj tribe of Medina. The chief of the tribe pleaded that Abbas being their nephew should pay no ransome. “This ran counter to Islamic equality”, observed the Prophet. “Abbas is a rich man. He shall pay a much higher ransom than others. Learning of this Abbas personally put his case before the Prophet. “At heart I was a Muslim before the battle took place”, he declared. “I marched to Badr because the non-believers forced me to. Moreover, I don’t have the money to pay the ransom demanded”. To this the Prophet replied,:” as for your being a Muslim at heart, this could be known to Allah alone. If this be a fact, surely Allah will reward you for it in dealing out justice we must be guided by proved facts. So you can be allowed concession on this ground. Your plea of lack of means is also baseless. I know for certain that you have left behind in Mecca a large sum of money with your wife”. The last sentence of the Prophet took Abbas by complete surprise “O Allah he burst out, no one in the world, except myself and my wife knows anything about this sum of money. I declare that you are the Messenger of Allah. After openly declaring the truth of Islam, Abbas paid the heavy ransome for himself and his two nephews and the three came back to Mecca.

          Abbas stayed in Mecca till a little before the fall of that city. He did this under definite instructions from the Prophet. More than once he sought permission to migrate to Medina. The reply he got was “you are serving the best interest of Islam by staying on there. Just as I am the last Prophet, in the same way you will be the last migrate from Mecca.” By his continued stay in Mecca, Abbas played an important role in shaping the course of events. He kept the Prophet informed about what went on in Mecca. More than once his timely warning enabled Medina to get ready for the coming blow. In addition to this, Abbas was the only source of help to the few poor muslims who were too helpless to leave Mecca.

        A little before the march into Mecca, Abbas was granted permission to come and settle in Medina. He migrated with his family and publicly joined the fold of Islam. Like the Prophet, Abbas has nothing but pity for the people of Mecca. On the eve of the city’s fall, he quickly brought Abu Sufiyan to the Prophet’s camp. The once haughty Meccan chief was so over-awed by the might of Islam that he saw no hope in himself and his city. However, by an unparalleled gesture of compassion and goodwill, the Prophet forgave Abu Sufiyan before the latter could alter a word. On the following morning Abbas marched by the side of his victorious nephew and witnessed the most glorious victory of Islam.


          After the settling in Medina, Abbas was able to fight under the banner of Islam. The battle of Hunain provided the first opportunity. In this battle the enemy made use of clever trick to spread panic among the Muslims. Their lines broke and they fell back to utter disorder. The Prophet, who brought up the rare, firmly stood his ground. Abbas was holding the rain of his horse. He ordered Abbas to call out the people. The next moment fleeing Muslims heard Abbas shouting in clear tones, “o ye people of Medina! Who protected and helped Islam! O ye emigrants who took the pledge under the tree! Muhammad (Peace Be On Him) is alive and is here, come ye all this side”. The words worked magic. The panic was gone. From all sides Muslims trooped to the Prophet’s side. In few more minutes the tide of the battle turned and Muslims won the day. Abbas accompanied the Prophet in the expeditions to Taif and Tabuk. He also accompanied him during the farewell pilgrim.


          Because of his great services to Islam, the Prophet loved Abbas very dearly. He had great regard for him and respected him like his father. One day Abbas came with a complaint, “Messenger of Allah” he said, “the people of Quraish greet one another with great warmth but they greet the Hashimites rather coldly. The report made the Prophet uneasy “by Allah who controls my life!” he declared, anyone who fails to love you for the sake of Allah and his Messenger shall be denied the light of faith. An uncle occupied the place of the father. During the last illness of the Prophet, Abbas and Ali being the nearest of his relatives were constantly by the sickbed. On the last day of the illness, the condition of the Prophet suddenly improved. Ali thought that the Prophet was now out of danger and left the Prophet for a while. As he stepped out anxiously people gathered around him and made inquiries about the Prophet’s health. Ali assured them that the critical period was over and recovery was almost at sight.

        Hearing these words, of Ali, Abbas stepped out and taking Ali aside said: “My dear Ali: I wish your guess could be true. Alas! This is not going to be. I have a deeper insight than you in the family traits of the house of Abdul Muttalib. I have seen many of them at death bed. Don’t be mislead by the sudden improvement in the Prophet’s condition. By Allah this foretell his approaching end. I can easily read from his facial expression that the end is come. By Allah on the third day from now you will be under the rule of someone else. These words of Abbas fell like lead on Ali’s heart. He felt to numbed to be able to say anything. After a brief pause Abbas went on “I would suggest we go to the Prophet and ask him to name the person who deserves to succeed him. If he names someone else we will request him to leave behind special introduction for safeguarding our interests. “By Allah I will not make such a request to the Prophet. If he refuse to name me it will mean that I will lose my claim to Caliphate forever. This I don’t want”.

         Because of Ali’s reaction, Abbas gave up all thought of taking up the matter with the Prophet. However, his prediction proved correct. The Messenger of Allah passed away the same day. As the eldest member of the Hashimite family, Abbas took care of the funeral arrangements of the Prophet. It was also he to whom people flocked for offering condolence. Because of his close blood ties with the Prophet. Abbas was deeply respected by the Caliphs and the people. Omar and Othman dismounted from their mounts if they happen to past him. Omar often took his advice in important matters of policy. An unusually severe drought struck the country during Omar’s caliphate.

        The caliph asked people to assemble for special prayers for the rain. He then mounted the pulpit and raising his hand skyward said: “Lord when the Messenger of Allah was among us, we used to pray to Thee to send down rain for his sake. Today we have come to Thee under the leadership of his uncle have mercy on us and send down the rain for Thy Messenger’s uncle”. Then Abbas mounted the pulpit and raised his hands for prayer. Presently light clouds appeared in the sky. In no time they grew thick and dark and a downpour set in. people went wild and joy. They througed round Abbas, kissed his hands and chanted “How auspicious you are! Keeper of Ka’aba!”. The poet Hassan Bin Thabit wrote verses to commemorate the event.


          On a Friday in the year 32 A.H, Abbas passed away at the ripe age of 88. Before he joined the fold of Islam, Abbas was one of the wealthiest men of Mecca. He was a businessman as well as money lender. That was why the Prophet expected from him unusually heavy ransom after the victory of Badr. The historic last sermon of the Prophet declared the taking interest illegal. Abbas was the first to lose all interest due to him on lent out. Abbas was a tall, handsome man with a soft heart. He was always ready to helpout people especially his kinfolk. Whenever he raised his hand for prayer, he grew so earnest that fear started rolling down his cheek. Such was the man whose descendants were destined to rule the world of Islam some centuries.

          Baba Ali Mustapha of Ngarannam Ward Bolori II, near 7up junction, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

For more knowledge on companion of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) The Ministers around the Prophet (PBUH) by Abdul Aziz and Ash-Shanawi. Published by DARUSSALAM, P.O BOX. 22743, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. MEN AND WOMEN AROUND THE MESSENGER translated by Sheikh Muhammad Mustafi Gemeiah and Dr. Abdel-Hamid Eliwa Al Azha University

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