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            In order to teach man how to live this life, how to behave with each other, with friends, enemies, parent and children and how to give each man his right and dues, God sent a number of Prophets. To every nation God had sent a messenger, in order to take them out of darkness to light, to teach them how to live a happy life. But, each Prophet was opposed
and ill treated by those people of his own nation who had wealth and power, and who did not like to change their evil ways and who did not like to give up their injustices and cruelties to the poor people.  The Prophets were abused, beaten, killed or driven out by their people. But these Prophets went on doing their work and suffered everything patiently until they succeeded in getting a large number of followers around them. They gave the message of God to their followers, taught them how to live and treat other justly. They further asked them to obey God and fear His punishment for evil doing.
            All these Prophets were born in different times and among different people. Therefore, they could not adopt the same methods because their people had different customs, habits, languages and manners. But they have one thing in common; that is all of them asked people to believe in God and in the life after death and to lead a life of virtue, truth, and honesty. The number of these apostles of God is said to be 313; but 25 of them are more important than the others and these are distinctly mentioned in the Qur’an. (See 6:84-87; 21:76-95; 69:105, 124, 142, 161, 177; 37:75, 83, 112, 114, 123, 133, 139). The following are the named mentioned in the Qur’an: these in the brackets are the bible version of those in the Qur’an.
Adam-(Adam)                                                             Musa- (Moses)
Nuha- (Noah)                                                              Dawud- (David)
Hud- (Heber)                                                              Sulayman- (Solomon)
Salih- (Saleh or Methuselah)                                       Yunus- (Jonah)
Lut- (Lot)                                                                    Ayyub- (Job)
Idris- (Enoch)                                                              Dhulkifi- (Isaiah or Ezekiel)
Ibrahim- (Abraham)                                                    Ilyas- (Elias)
Ismail- (Ishmael)                                                         Zakariyya- (Zachariah)
Ishaq- (Isaac)                                                              Yahya- (John the Baptist)
Yusuf- (Joseph)                                                           Harun- (Aaron)
Ya’qub- (Jacob)                                                          Isa- (Jesus)
Shu’ab- (Jethro)
                                           Muhammad- (X)
            A muslim must believe in all the prophets of God. To believe in some prophets and reject others is regarded as disbelief. Qur’an 4:150, 151 read, “those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and desire to make a distinction between Allah and His Messengers say; we believe in some and disbelieve in others and desire to take a course between (this and) that those are truly disbelievers”.
            Muhammad (alahi-salam) is Habib-Allah (Allah’s most Beloved). Ibrahim (alahi-salam) is Khalil-Allah (the Beloved of Allah). Musa (alaihi-salam)is Kalim-Allah (one with whom Allah spoke). Isa (alaihi-salam) is Ruh-Allah (one whom Allah created without a father). Adam (alaihi-salam) is Saffi-Allah (one whose fault was forgiven by Allah). Nuh (alaihi-salam) is Naji-Allah (one whom Allah saved from danger) those six prophets are superior to other prophets. They are called Ulul-Azmi. The most superior of all is Muhammad (alaihi salam).

            Islam also requires belief in all revealed books contain the message of the apostles of God at the different time. A belief in the prophets also carries along with it a belief in the messages which are revealed to them. The number of these revealed books is said to be 104. In other word, Allah tala sent one hundred suhuf (Pl of sahifa, booklet) and four books down to earth. All of them were brought by Jibril (Gabriel). Ten Suhuf descended to Adam (alaihi salim), fifty suhuf to shis (alaihi-salam), thirty suhuf to Idris (AS) and ten Suhuf to Ibrahim (AS). Sahifa (in this context), means a small book. But, four of these books are said to be more important than the other are:
(1)   Al-Tawra- (The Torah or the Pentateuch) which is given to Moses (Musa)
(2)   Al-Zabur- (The Psalms) given to David (Dauda)
(3)   Al-Injil- (The Gospel) given to Isa(Jesus).
(4)   Al-Qur’an (The Koran) given to Mohammad, (AS) the last Prophet.

History of the selected Prophets
            In narrating the histories are giving fact about the prophets the Qur’an does not concern itself with the details of these histories, not even the details of what messages a prophet delivered to his people or how he was received. It content itself with the broad facts that every prophet delivered the message of unity, invited people to obey God and to do good to fellow men and aimed at the moral betterment of the people to whom he was sent. It shows by mentioning Prophet of Israelite and non-Israelite nationality, that this cardinal principle of the religion of all prophets are one and the same. Whatever details there are in the Qur’an belong to a period when opposition to the prophet was at its height, and the object is to tell the opponents, when they were at the height of the power that they could not escape their ultimate overthrow, a subsidiary object is also to let the prophet know that such opposition was not parculiar to him, other prophets before him had encountered such opposition.

            Adam was the great ancestor of mankind. He was created from clay; and God breathed His spirit into him and he became Man (Q3.50). He lived in the garden of Eden (paradise). God created his wife, Hawa (Eve) to keep his company in that garden (Q2.35). Then God gave him knowledge of all things, a knowledge which is not given even to angels (Q2.31,32). This knowledge gave him power and superiority over all other creatures. Hence, today, in the physical world, it is the acquirement of knowledge which opens before the sons of Adam various fields of advancement. When Adam settled in the garden of Eden with the knowledge of all things him, God ordered the angels to submit to him. All of them did so except Iblis (Satan) which refused to do so, he became accursed as a result of his disobedience to God’s order (Q38, 71-85). Thus Adam became the master of all things in the garden. He and his wife however were forbidden to approach one particular tree in the garden (Q2.35, 7.19).

            Not long after, they let themselves deceived the order of God. They were therefore ordered out of the garden of Eden. Adam repented and asked for God’s forgiveness (Q7.23). Then God said unto them, “Go forth, some of you are the enemies of other. And there is for you on earth an abode and a provision for a time. Go forth from this state; surely there will come to you a guidance from me, then whoever follows my guidance no fear shall come upon them nor shall they grieve”(Q2.36, 38).
            Noah was descendant of Adam, Abraham was descendant of Noah. The descendants of Abraham are divided into two branches, the Israelites and Ishmaelite. The former are spoken of as descendants of Imran. Imran of the Qur’an is the same Amran of the Bible. The descendants of Amran are Moses and Aaron; Moses became the founder of the Israelite Law and Aaron the head of the Israelite Priesthood. The last of the race were John the Baptist (Yahya) and Jesus (Isa). Their parents are Zakariya (Zachariah) and Maryam (Mary). The descendants of the Ishmaelite are the Arabs from among whom Prophet Muhammad rose. 

            Abraham’s father was named Azar, a doll carver, and a staunch idol worshipper. He did all he could to force Abraham follow his worship of idols, but Abraham persistently refused and disagreed with his father on this issue. Abraham hated the idea of worshipping the handicraft of man, carvings which neither see nor speak or even hear. He considered this to be silly. He wished he could destroy all the idols before the people could get to know, then he would see what the people would do or worship. The opportunity came to him one day when all the people in the town had to travel out of the town for a ceremony. Abraham pretended that he was sick and refused to go with his father. When everyone else had gone away, Abraham took an axe and broke down all the idols in the sanctuary leaving only one (the chief idol) on which he hung the axe, as if it was it which broken down the other smaller ones (Q37.91-96).

            When the people came back and found that all their idols had been broken down, they became worried and wished to know who did the havoc. They at once suspected Abraham who had consistently spoken against their idols and their worship. He was brought before the King who questioned him about it. Abraham directed the King to ask the chief idol on whose next the axe, with which the havoc was done, was hanging. But the King said that the idol could neither hear nor speak. Abraham retorted and wandered why the people should worship that could neither hear their prayers nor speak to them. There and then the people concluded that it was Abraham who did the havoc. So they decided that he should be burnt alive. The King ordered a big furnace to be prepared. Abraham was thrown alive into this furnace and everyone was pleased and relieved that the “bad boy” in the town had been got rid of. Abraham’s father was pleased too, for he had considered the action of his son as a disgrace to him and his family.

            This was not the end of Abraham, underneath the big furnace there was cool air for Abraham, he was not affected in any way by the fire. When the fuel of the furnace had burned out, Abraham came out unhurt and the people were amazed. So, they decided that he must be banished from the town to a barren land far away from their town. There Abraham lived with his wife Sarah for a long time. Both lived for about a century without an issue. Upon the advice of his wife, Abraham married a second wife. Hajar, who very soon gave birth to a son, the first son for Abraham Ismail (Ishmael). Sarah soon after gave birth to a son, the second for Abraham, Ishaq (Isaac) he is the father of Ya’qub (Jacob) the father of the tribe.

            It is reported that when Ismail was born and in the desert where there was no water, Abraham sought about for water, but before he came back from the search God had provided a small spring from which water gushed out for the small body. Abraham decided to build a small hut around this place and the child and his mother and Abraham all lived there. This small hut or house came to be the House of God in Mecca to which he has invited every Muslim from all the corners of the world.
            As stated earlier, Abraham remained for a longtime without an issue, and he became worried that he might not have someone to succeed him in his works. He prayed to God for a righteous son. He even went promising that he would sacrifice the son to God if he were given one. When he had got one God wishes to his sincerity. God reminded him of his promise to sacrifice his son. To prove his sincerity Abraham took his only son (then Ismail out of town to sacrifice him to God). When God was satisfied that Abraham had proved his sincerity, God caused Angel Gabriel to take a big ram to Abraham to replace his son. So Abraham killed the ram instead of his son. Since then, the sacrifice of an animal in commemoration of this occasion has become an important festival in Islam, this is the occasion of Id-al-Adha.

            Abraham lived at the sametime as Lot, and they were in fact cousins. Abraham was however the spiritual leader of the world of his time. The Israelites are the descendant of Ishaq while the Arabs are the descendants of Ismail, see Qur’an 19.42-48; 21.57-71; 24.24-26; 26.69-104,37.83-113.

            Prophet Noah was sent to his people to warn them to stop the worship of idols. He preached among them for about nine hundred and fifty years. The people were very stubborn, and went to the extent of beating him in public and calling him all sort of names. When Noah could no longer bear it he called on God to punish the people since they were growing worse instead of better in their belief and behavior. God instructed Noah to build an Arc (a big boat) he did so. He was also asked to put into it all his followers (that is those who believed in him) and also a pair of every species of animal. Noah did so.
            When the day of punishment came, God caused a flood of water to overtake the whole town and only those who remained in the Noah’s arc were saved, all other were perished in the flood. Kana, the son of Noah who had persistently with the unbelievers perished with them see Qur’an 71.1-28, 37.75-113; 26.105-122).

            Prophet Musa was born among the Israelites had been in bondage in Egypt under the King Pharaoh. Because the King had been foretold by astrologers that a male child would be born in his Kingdom who would cause his destruction, he ordered that every male child born that day should be killed. Moses was born at that time. When he born, his mother was divinely guided to put him into a small box and to throw the box into the river. She did so. The box was carried by the current of the river to a stream at the back of the palace of King Pharaoh. It was found by the King’s wife. The King’s wife had no issue, she decided to take this child and make him a son of hers, especially, since no one would know how she got it. In this why, Moses was taken, nursed and later named by the King’s wife as Moses which means “the water has given me this (Q20.38, 39; 28.7,8).
            When Moses grew up he began to perform many wonderful things that made the King to suspect at one time that he might probably be the child he had been warned of, but since his wife had adopted Moses as her son, the King could not do anything. When Moses had grown up, he found one day, an Israelite being oppressed by an Egyptian and he found and decided to support the Israelite to fight the Egyptian. He therefore struck the Egyptian with his fist in order to save the Israelite, the Egyptian accidentally fell and died. Since Moses was informed that he could not expect justice from the authorities who were Egyptians, he ran away from the town to Madian (Q28.14-21). At Madian he met Prophet Shu’ayb (Jethro) whose daughter he later married. After ten years he went back to Egypt.
            On his way back to Egypt, he received the call to office as a Prophet (Q19.52); 20.11-14), and he was given two signs: (a) a staff which he used to drive his sheep would turn into a snake if he dropped it on the ground but would never revert the staff when he picked it up; and (b) his right hand would turn white as snow if he dipped it under his armpit and would revert to normal state when he dipped it a second time (Q20:17-23; 27:10-12). He was therefore charged with the duty of carrying the message of Pharaoh and his people that the Israelites shall be freed from the suffering in the hands of the Egyptians (Q7.103-105). When he approached Pharaoh, the king asked of him the signs to confirm that he was a prophet and Moses indicated the two signs of God had given him. But the king Pharaoh refused to recognize them saying that the two signs were a piece of magic. So both he and Moses agreed to fix a day for Moses and the Kings enchanters to display their magic, in a public place and before the people of the town so that the people would see who of the two groups had a better claim of the genuine magic. The day came, and the king’s enchanters displayed their magic, but the staff of Musa (Moses) turned into a big snake and swallowed all the magic displayed by them. They recognized the superiority of Moses and surrendered to him. The king was greatly disappointed and became annoyed. Instead of him recognizing Moses as divinely sent and supported, he decided to punish the enchanters by hanging for submitting to Moses without his permission.

            Later, God ordered Moses and his followers, including the new converts to leave the town across the Red Sea fleeing from the wrath of the King. When the king learnt of this he gathered his forces and chased Moses and his men. When moses and his followers reached the Red Sea he did not know what to do, but he was divinely guided to strike the sea with his staff, and having done this, there was path through the sea and he and his followers took to the path. Pharaoh and his troops followed also on the path. As soon as Moses and his group had crossed to the other side of the sea, the path closed up on both sides so that Pharaoh and his troops all perished in the sea.
            Moses was given the Torah (Tawrah) as the book revealed to him as a book were revealed to other prophets (Q7.142-145; 2.53;6.92). Moses was both a law giver and a nation builder.

            David was the youngest of his father’s eight children. He was a shepherd from his youth. The King of Israel at that time was Saul (Talut). David later joined the bodyguards of King Saul and gained famed as a warrior. At that time, the Philistines had been oppressing the Israelites. One day a big army of Philistines came to fight against King Saul and the Israelites. Among the army of the Philistines was a big giant called Goliath (Jalut). He came out on the hillside every morning and evening and shouted to the Israelites to send someone to fight him. He wore a shining armour and carried a great spear. No one dared go near to fight him. But David decided to fight the cause of his people and volunteered to fight Goliath (Jalut). He had no arms or armour, all he had were his shepherd sling, and staff. Goliath mocked at him. When King Saul offered him his own arms and armour,  David decline as he had not tried them. He picked up five smooth stones from the stream. He knew that God would be with him and give him the strength to fight Goliath. David use his sling to fling the stones and one of them hit Goliath on the forehead and he fell, then David used Goliath’s sword to slay him. The Philistines seeing that Goliath had been slain by David became disordered and fled. The Israelites became proud of David so much that so that when King Saul died David became King.
            Of this fight the Qur’an says “How often, by God’s will, has a small force defeated a big one? God is with those who are steadfast. When they advanced to meet Goliath and his force they (that is the Israelites) prayed: Our Lord, make us steadfast, make our step firm, help us against those who reject faith. By God’s will they routed them (the Palestines) and David slew Goliath and God gave him the power and wisdom and taught him whatever He willed” (Q2.249-251).
            The lessons form the story of David’s fight with Goliath are: (a) in fighting for a just cause, number do not count, but faith, determination and the blessing of God, (b) Size and strength are of no avail against truth, courage and careful planning.
            David was a great, wise and just king, he was also a wise and just judge among his people. God also appointed him a prophet. He was one of these holy men of old moved by the Holy spirit; in fact the general trend of his life was spiritual.
            God gave him the gift of song and sacred music; this is shown in Psalms which to the Muslims is known as Zabur, one of his children was Solomon (Sulaiman) who succeeded him as King of Israel; he was also a prophet.
            For more about David read Qur’an 6.84; 21.78-80, 37.17-26.

            Jesus was the son of Mary (Maryam) the daughter of Anata wife of Imran. The Qur’an does not tell us much about the early life of Jesus. At the age of thirty he received the call to carry God’s message. He was given the power to cure the blind, to heal the sick, to cure the insane and the leaper, and to cause the dead to rise. Among other miracles he performed, he created birds from clay, he performed all these miracles in the name of God and with powers which God gave him (Q3.48-49).
            He preached that people should believe in the Oneness of God and that God alone should be worshipped. He also taught his followers to love one another and to do good to everyone. He also taught his followers to keep fast to show that divine blessing are associated with fasting.
            Jesus is mentioned by three different chapters in the Qur’an: Isa (Jesus) Ibn Maryam (Son of Mary), and al Masih (The Messiah). Isa is the proper name, he is called the son of Mary to show that like every human child, he was born of a woman and one born of a woman could not be God. He is called Messiah because he held the office of a prophet among the Israelites.
            Greater stress is laid the on doctrine connected with the name of Jesus than upon the detail of his life, even though the circumstances relating to his life are meant to be a denial of his divinity. We are told how his mother conceived him in quite a superfluous detail. (Q19.17-27). This is meant to show us that he could not be God or the son of God, for the idea of conception in the mother’s womb is incompatible with divinity. The severe pains of labour which Maryam (Mary) experienced shows that she gave birth to Jesus is the ordinary circumstances which women experience in giving birth to children.
            Islam rejects the idea that Jesus was the son of God. God has no son, everyone is created by God. The Qur’an says “And they say, the Beneficent God has taken to Himself a son: Nay, they are honoured servants”. This show that Jesus was a messenger of God as other prophets are; and all of them are honoured servants of God. The Qur’an say again; “ He was but a servant on whom life was bestowed favour and we made him an example of the children of Israel” (Q43.59). Jesus.
            The doctrine of Holy Trinity is also rejected very strongly in Islam. The idea is that Jesus, (the son), God (the father) and the Holy Ghost are one and the same persons which means that the three are equal. Everyone including Jesus is created by God and the created and the creator cannot be equal which much less to share essence and power. From the Islamic point of view, the doctrine contradicts the onenesss of God for which Jesus (Isa) preached. The Qur’an say: “certainly they disbelieved who say God, He is the Messiah, Son of Mary. The Messiah said “ One children of Israel, serve God, my Lord and your Lord, surely whoever associates anyone with God , God has forbidden paradise for him, and his abode is the fire, and there shall be no helpers for the wrong doers”. (Q5.72). Another verse say “certainly they disbelieved who say: God is the third of the three. There is only one God. The Messiah, son of Mary was only a messenger; messengers before him had indeed passed away. His mother was a truthful woman. They both used to eat food. See how we have made the message clear, and yet they are turned away (Q5.73-75).
            Islam rejects the doctrine of collective guilt and the idea of atonement for which the Christian say that Jesus has died on the cross. If Jesus has been crucified so that sins of all may be carried away, then there should remain no more sin on earth. It is a well known fact there are many sin and sinners on earth today and the Bishops and Priests all always preach that the sinner shall be punished for their sins in the world to come . According to Islam everyone shall be responsible for his sins and everyone shall atone for his sins. No one shall carry the sins of another. Further, the crucification is denied by Islam, hence the doctrine of atonement becomes an impossible belief to the Muslims. The Qur’an say; “and for their saying: we have killed the Messiah, Jesus son of mary, the messenger of God, they killed him not, nor did they crucify him, but it was made to appear to them as such. And certainly those who differ therein are in doubt. They have no knowledge of it but only few argues, that they killed him not is certain.(Q4.157).
            Jesus is a messenger of God, he hold in Islam a place unique among the prophets of God. He is a faithful servant of God. His message are recorded in what is known as the Gospels (Injil) but according to the Qur’an and also known historical fact, the Gospel as they are today have been falsified by the Christians with exception of Gospel of Barnabas.

            Muhammad was an Arab of the Quraysh tribe, he appeared in Mecca in the 610 as a public preacher ( a prophet) he was then forty years of age. He lived among a people who were predominantly idol worshippers. So in his teaching, pointed out to them folly in worshipping idols. He invited the people of Mecca to believe in the worship of One God to the exclusion of the idols. He also warned them of life after death and the judgement of the next world. He also condemned their practice of burying their daughters alive. The Meccans were indeed a people who practiced many other awful social customs. Muhammad attacked these bad practice and spoke very strongly against their worship of idols. When he persisted in speaking against them, they became very hostile and planned to kill him after they had persecuted him mercilessly, his followers most of whom came from the poor low classes.
            Muhammad and his followers moved to Medina in the year 622 AD, this is the famous Hijirah and the muslim year began from this day. At Medina, many of the people accepted Islam. These muslims who emigrated with Muhammad from Mecca to Medina are known as Muhajiran(emigrants) and these muslims in Medina are known as Ansar (Helpers). In Medina, Muhammad made a brotherhood of all muslims, he established a Ummah(community) in which faith bond replaced blood ties and arbitration replaced bold feud. He became the head of the ummah in Medina, he was a prophet, a stateman, a judge, a religious leader, a commander, all combined.
            Muhammad as a prophet was sent not only to the Arabs but to the whole of mankind. The Qur’an says “we have sent to you as a mercy to the whole of mankind” (Q21.107). His message was therefore meant for the whole of mankind. He carried his message to mankind successfully, the universal scope of his mission had demolished all barriers of blood, colour and indeed, geography between one man and another. He has welded mankind into one family children of same father, Adam. In his teaching an Arab has no superiority over non-arab, and he that is not Arab has no superiority over him who is an Arab, the Qur’an says: “the best of you in the sight of God is he who is most conscious of his duties to mankind” (Q49.13).
            As a leader, he stands supreme, his sayings and deeds are worth of imitation by his followers and these have become a subject of study by all muslims, so much so that a vast of literature grew in the name of Hadith. He led a very simple life in his food, his clothing and his belongings. He visited the sick and honoured every bier that passed by him; he accepted invitation of a slave to dinner, he mended his own clothes and milked the goats, he waited on himself and he was very affectionate to his family, one of his sons died on his chest in the smoky room of a nurse, a blacksmith wife. He was very fond of his children, he never struck any in his life. We have many things to learn from the ways of the life of the prophet, and that is why the Qur’an has summed up very nicely when  it says” there is for you an excellent pattern in the Apostle of God” (Q.33.21).
            In conclusion, to summarise the research work  from another source, during the time of prophet Nuh (alaihi-salam), the flood took place and water covered the entire world. All people and animals on the earth were drowned. But the believers who were on board with were rescued. Nuh (alaihi salam) when boarding the ship, had his three sons on board the ship, Sam (Shem), Vafas (Japheth) and Hum (Ham). People on the earth today are their descendants. For this reason he is called the second father.
            Ibrahim (alaihi-salam)was Ismail’s and Ishaq’s (alaihi-salam) father. Ishaq (alaihi-salam) was Yaqub’s father. Yaqub (alaihi-salam) was Yusuf’s (alaihi-salam) father, and his sons and grandson were called “Bani Israil” (the children of Israil). Bani Israil increased in number and many of them became prophets. Musa, Harun, dawud, Sulaiman, Zakariyya, yahaya and Isa (alaihi-salam) are among them. Sulaiman (alaihi-salam) was the son of Dawud (alaihi-salam). Yahya (alaihi-salam) was the son of Zakarriya (alaihi-salam). Haruna (alaihi-salam) was the Musa (alaihi-salam) brother. The Arabs are the descendants of Ismail (alaihi-salam), and Muhammad (alaihi-salam) was an Arab.
            Hud (alaihi-salam) was sent to the Ad tribe, Salih (alaihi-salam) to the Thamud tribe and Musa (alaihi-salam) was sent to Bani Israil. Also Harun, Dawud, Sulaiman, Zakariya, and Yahya (alaihi-salam) were sent to Bani Israil. Yet none of them brought a new religion, they invited Bani Israil to Musa’s (alaihi-salam) religion. Though the Zabur was sent down to dawud (alaihi-salam), it did not have commandments, rules or Ibadat. It was full of sermons and advice. Therefore, it did not abrogate or invalidate the Torah but emphasized it and this is why the religion of Musa (alaihi-salam) lasted up to the time of Isa (alaihi-salam). When Isa (alaihi-salam) came, his religion abrogated that of Musa (alaihi-salam); that is the Torah became invalid. So it was no longer permissible to follow Musa’s (alaihi-salam) religion. From then on it was necessary to follow Isa’s (alaihi-salam) religion until Muhammad’s (alaihi-salam) dispensation. However, the majority of Bani Israil did not believe Isa (alaihi-salam)and persisted in following the Torah. Thus Jews and Nasara separated. Those who believed Isa (alaihi-salam) were called Nasara, who are today’s Christians. Those who disbelieved Isa (alaihi-salam) are remained in disbelief and heresy were called Yahud (Jews). Jew still claim that they follow Musa’s (alaihi-salam) religion and read the Torah and not the Zabur; the Nasara christians claim that they follow Isa’s (alaihi-salam) religion and read the Injil (Gospel). However, our Master Muhammad (alaihi-salam), the master of both world and the prophet of all human beings and genies was sent as the prophet for all alems (worlds of beings) and his religion, Islam invalidated all previous religions. Since this religion will remain valid till the end of the world. It is not permissible in any part of the world to be in any religion other than his religion. No prophet will succeed him.

            Baba Ali Mustapha is of Ngarannam Ward, Bolori II, near 7up Junction, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

            For further knowledge on the prophets of Allah, look to these books:

1.      Islam as a religion (Faith and Duties) by Musa O.A Abdul, published by Islamic Publication Bureau 136A Isola Road, Mushin Lagos, Nigeria
2.      The cardinal principles of Islam by A. Rahman I. Doi, published by Hudahuda publishing company, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
3.      The Sunni Path, by ahmed cevdet pasa, published by Hakikat Kitabevil, Istanbul, Turkey

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