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           Maulid Nabiyi (Maulidi) is celebrated by both the Sunni (ahlal Sunnah wal Jama’a) and the Shia Muslims throughout the Muslim World, to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Mohammed every year. It is usually observed in Rabi’al Auwal the third month of the Islamic calendar. For the reason known to them, the Wahabis (Salafiya), locally known in Nigeria as Izzalas did not observe this ceremony.

            To observe this ceremony with my fellow Sunni (ahlal Sunnah wal Jama’a) and Shia Muslims throughout the world this year, I put up this research titled “Our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)”.

            If you only have one information and knowledge about one human being in your life, knowing about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the most beneficial. Everything that he did was beneficial. Everything he said was beneficial. Everything he showed his companions and the rest of the world was beneficial. No one’s life was studied closer and in more detail than his. He allowed his companions to pose any question they had. He let his worship of God to be the subject of study. He let his private life, his family life and business dealings to be the subject of study. He let every aspect of his life even his tears be the subject of study. There is no figure in history whose life public and personal is so well documented by eye witness reports. Allah told him that he was to be an example and he submitted willingly to this.

The history of the last 1,400 years is reflected with great statesmen, scholars, scientists, military leaders and peacemakers, all who have attributed their success to the teachings of this man. The people of the world with their innumerable experiences needed as a guided an example that was pure and unpolluted. The lives of the great figures of our past Moses and Jesus were not documented to the extent that an average man could draw on their example to satisfy his practical everyday needs. From the sublime to the Mundane, he showed us how to live and how to make the most out of life. He was a man whose archenemies, those who plotted to assassinate him and eventually died fighting him, stated that they knew he was not a liar and was the most trustworthy among them. They held him in the highest respect, yet their vested interests and pride did not allow them to follow him. They offered to make him their king. They promised him wealth greater than any one among them had, if he stopped his mission and allowed them to continue as leaders, of what he knew was a corrupt and oppressive society. His refusal to compromise the truth for personal benefit is just one of a multiple of examples we have to continuously draw upon. Many of his staunchest enemies, who swore to kill him, later became his loyal companions. 

He was of such an evolved spiritual that while in his company everyone could perceive an enhancing of their own state. Some of his companions even doubted their own sincerity because they were not able to maintain their own same condition when they left his presence. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed those who were with him on the pilgrimage to tell his message to those who were not present because they may grasp it better than those who were actually present. I continue to pass on this message and pray that those who read it get the continuous benefit that this message contains.

Allah (SWA) said:
“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad (SAW) you have an excellent example to follow” (Q33:21).
Our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born on Monday on the ninth lunar month Rabi-ul Awwal in the year 570 or 571 AD, fifty five days after Abraha’s invasion on Makkah. 

The women of the Banu Bakr went to Makkah to look for suckling babies that the mothers of city might wish to have nursed in a healthier climate. Halimah, who could become the foster mother of Muhammad (SAW) was among them she describes the difficulties of that year; it was a year of drought, we had nothing. I was riding on a she-ass, we also had a she-camel, but she didn’t give even a drop of milk. My breasts were dry too. My hungry body cried the whole night. In this condition we travelled bearing the panis of hunger. I rode along on my weak donkey. Its slow progress kept us behind the others until we reached Makkah.  “There was no woman among us who did not refuse the Messenger of Allah when he was offered to us, because he was an Orphan. We expected to receive a handsome reward from the children’s father, so fearing the loss of this reward we rejected him. “Finally, there remained no woman withouth a suckling except myself. When it was time for us to return, I said to my husband, I hate to go home to our people without a suckling. I really would like to take this Orphan”. As soon as I took him to my bossom, milk started to ooze from my breast. He and his foster brother my son sucked till they were satisfied. My husband went to check on our she-camel and to his surprise she had milk. We all were very happy that night. After I mounted my she-ass taking Muhammad with me it went at such stride that none of the other donkey could overtake it. The others wondered at its pace and asked; “Is that the same animal you come with?”. “Yes, the very same. They said that it had become as an admirable beast.” Muhammad (SAW) grew up in his foster father’s tent, in the highland region of Ta’if. At the age of four, Muhammad (SAW) was brought back to Makkah and for the next two years he lived with his mother Aminah. When he was six years old, his mother and her maid took him to Yathrib (Al Madinah) to spend sometime there. As they were returning to Makka through the desert, at a place called Abwa”, Muhammad’s mother Aminah suddenly died. His mother’s maid brought him home and gave him into the care of his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib. After two years, he too died. His uncle Abu Talib then brought up Muhammad (SAW). 

The Prophet (SAW) became a young man and Allah protected him from the loose behavior of the pagans. From youth he emerged into manhood, people began to admire his handsome appearance, his fearless look and the grace of his fine manners. He was brilliant in repartee, truthful in every matter and sincere in the smallest details of life. His cousin Ali and others have described Muhammad’s appearance;

“He was neither tall nor short, but of medium height common to his people. His shoulders were broad, his chest well developed and his waist slender. His skin was white tinged with red. There was a glow about it that caused his companions to compare it to pearly light of the moon or the glow of silver. He was not fat, not round-faced, his forehead was light, his nose straight, his neck long. His eyes were large, black and long-lashed. His hands and feet were finely shaped. He walked rapidly and lightly with long strides. His clothing generally consisted of two pieces of cloth, one of which he wrapped around his waist while the other called Rid was thrown across his shoulders like a Shawl”.

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was unlettered and never learned to read or write, even after receiving the Divine mission of Prophethood. He never had a chance or any occasion to keep the company of any scholar. 

Sedew, a French Scholar, write about Muhammad (SAW).

“ He smiled readily and often, yet he was of a serious disposition. He was the most generous of his people, kind to his neighbors, courteous, faithful and trustworthy, so much that he was known to his people by the name Al-Amin the Trustworthy. He was the bravest of men and the most sensitive. 

Muhammad (SAW) was social in nature. He was reserved and quiet, he never talked loosely or indulged in gossip or small talk. He remembered Allah constantly. He was excellent in giving advice and was man of the best lineage. Regarding justice, he treated everyone alike. His judgements were never affected by the nearness or the distance of a person in relationship or having a higher social status in society. He loved the poor and loved to be in their company. He never thought of anyone as low and he never humiliated anyone because of their being poor. The Kings with their worldly pomp never impressed him. He gave respect to everyone and was friendly to whoever come to him. Those who knew him became his devotees. He was able to understand the intentions of his visitors. He endured their shortcomings and the improper behavior of ignorant and uncivilized people. He never took leave from anyone present unless the visitors sought permission to leave on their own. He loved his companions to the utmost extreme. He did all his own personal work. He would sit on the bare floor. He used to mend his shoe and patch his clothes himself. He always received his enemies with a pleasant countenance and was courteous to them. 

Imam Ghazali writes:
“Muhammad (SAW) took care of his animals by himself. He milked the goat and she-camels, fed them and swept their enclosures. Ali says that Prophet (SAW) was the most open-hearted person. He was true to his word. He was soft-natured and kind. Whenever anyone invited him to a meal or offered him a present, he would readily accept it however insignificant the present may have been and he used to always reciprocate. He would accept an invitation to a meal even from a slave or a poor person. He used to eat with his servants, and always helped them in doing the household”.

Abu Sa’id Khudri (RA) states that the Prophet (SAW) used to do his domestic chores himself and used to help his servants with the tough jobs. He would buy the household needs from market and carry them home himself. He always was the first to greet others, rich or poor, elder or younger. He was always happy to be in company of his companions without making any distinction between master and slave. Rich and poor were equally respected and dear to him. He used to wear simple but neat clothes and use the same clothes for day and night. He always accepted invitations extended to him no matter who extended it, poor or rich, a common man or dignitary. Whatever food was presented he ate it with pleasure. He never saved the leftovers for another time. He was a pious, good-natured and cheerful person yet he was sober and serious. He was courteous, polite and decent in manners. His personality was awe-inspiring but not stern and hard. People loved him with respect and reverence. He was generous and gracious without being improvident or inappropriate. He was polite and showed kindness and never expected any favor or assistance from anyone.

Shah Waliullah (RA) notes that anyone who faced the Prophet (SAW) unexpectedly stood in awe, and anyone who met the Prophet (SAW) became his ardent devotee and respected him from the core of his heart. People belonging to his clan, and his servants had special favors. Anas (RA) served him for ten years during this long period he was never rebuked nor did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) speak a single harsh word to him. Anas (RA) says “I joined the service of the Prophet (SAW) at the age of eight, I served him for ten years. Not even once did he rebuke me for any fault of mine, if any member of his family ever talked to me harshly, the Prophet (SAW) would say “Take it easy; whatever is destined has to be”.

His tongue was always busy in the praise of Allah and he never uttered bad words or used abusive language with anyone. He tolerated with patience and endured blame and harsh behavior from other and never admonished or cursed anyone. He always had mercy on people. He never hurt or harmed anyone with his hand or word.

The traditions in Sahih al-Bukhari present to us a clear description of the manners, mode and attributes of the Prophet (SAW). Compilations are made subjective. 

Silence and Speech
Generally, the Prophet (SAW) remained quite and did not speak unnecessarily. He was gifted with such eloquence of speech that his listeners heart and souls would be captivated and the effect would go through their whole being. Even his enemies knew this preeminent and outstanding quality. It was because of this ability, his opponents said that Muhammad (SAW) was a sorcerer who could change the personality of anyone who talked to him.

Laughing and Weeping
Muhammad (SAW) did not like loud laughing. He smiled for any happy occasion. Usually, while performing the prayer of Tahjjud (optional night prayer) he wept. On the death of any sincere companion, his eyes would fill with tears and when his infant son Ibrahim died and was laid in the grave, his eyes had filled with tears and he said, “The eyes are wet with tears and the heart is filled with grief and sorrow. Still we say the same, which our Lord likes. O Ibrahim we are grieved an account of You”.

On another occasion, when his infant grand daughter, the daughter of Zainab (RA) was breathing her last, she was placed in his lap. She was getting short of breath. Seeing her condition, the Prophet (SAW) let out some tears where upon Sa’ad said, “What is this, I am beholding O Prophet of Allah?” The Prophet (SAW) replied, “This is due to the excess of Divine Mercy that he has been placed by Allah endowed upon those whose hearts are soft and possess this sentiment of kindness. 

Once Ibn Mas’Ud (RA) was reciting the Noble Qur’and and when he reached the verse:
“How (will it be) when we bring from each nation a witness and (we) bring you (O Muhammad (SAW) as a witness against these people”.
The Prophet (SAW) asked him to stop, when Ibn Mas’ud (RA) looked upon him, tear were rolling down from his eyes. (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Instruction about Food
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) forbade sleeping at night without eating any food because going to bed without food causes aging. He also forbade sleeping right after taking evening meals. He told the people that one-third of the stomach should be filled with food, one-third with water and the remaining one-third should be left empty for normal digestive function of the stomach. He adviced eating fruits and vegetables along with other foodstuffs.

Disease, the Sick and Doctors
He always ordered full preventive measures in case of an epidemic and infections disease, and advised the healthy people to take care against becoming infected. He recommended the people to take patients for treatment to an expert and skillful physician and ordered them to act carefully upon the instruction of the physician. Muhammad (SAW) ordered unqualified physicians and quacks not to practice medicine and in case of impairment held them responsible for any harm to the patient. He also advised the physician not to be banned and prohibited substance for their cures. He used to tell the people that Allah has not placed the cure in prohibited things.

Visiting and Inquiring about the Sick
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was very particular about visiting and inquiring about the health of his ailing companions. He used to sit near the patient and comfort him by saying “It is expiration, Allah willing”. He used to ask the patient about his taste and liking for eating or drinking something. In case anybody desired a thing that was not harmful for him during his illness, he used to arrange it. There was a jewish boy who used to serve the Prophet (SAW) once he fell ill, and the Prophet (SAW) paid him a visit and inquired about his health.

Medical Treatment
In case of illness, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used medicine himself and also advised people to use medicine when necessary. He advised “O Slave of Allah, use medicine when you need it because Allah has created a cure for every ailment except one”. They asked, “What is that O Prophet of Allah?”. He said “ That is old age”.

The Giving of Charity (Sadaqah) and Gift
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never accepted charity (Sadaqah) but he accepted gifts. His sincere companions offered him gifts and he used to accept them with pleasure. He usually accepted gift from jews and Christians on reciprocal basis but refused to accept from pagans. Muhammad (SAW) accepted a mule sent as gift by Muqauqis Mati the King of Egypt, which he rode on the day of Hunain. But he refused the horse from Amir bin Malik who was pagan. He said he did not accept gift from pagans.

            Prophet Muhammad (SAW) usually distributed the gift he received among his companions.
The Prophet (SAW) did not like any compliments that indicated any weakness in earlier prophets (AS). He used to say:
Do not take to such a way commendation which to the weaknesses among the Prophet (AS).
He happened to attend a marriage ceremony where some young girls were singing songs of the heroic deeds of their ancestors. The girl started to sing a song in which they mentioned that among them is a messenger who forecasts the future. Muhammad (SAW) stopped them and said, “Do not sing that song. You can continue with the songs you were singing before”. 

Stopping Misconceptions
On the day when the son of the Prophet (SAW) died, by chance it coincided with a solar eclipse. The people began to say that it was due to the death of Ibrahim the sun was eclipsed. The Prophet (SAW) delivered a sermon and told them that the sun, the moon do not eclipse due to anybody’s death. The eclipse of the sun and the moon are from among the sign of Allah.

Consideration of Public Awareness
Just before the advent of Islam the Quraish had reconstructed the Ka’bah and it was not properly done. Some portion of the old building constructed by Ibrahim (AS) was left outside of the construction of the Quraish, the foundation was so high that it needed a staircase to enter the building and there was only one door. The Prophet (SAW) once told Aisha (RA).
“Had your people not been still close to the time of disbelief, I would have made two doors in it for entrance and the other for exit”. (Sahih al-Bukhari).
When the anti-Muslim activities of the hypocrites crossed all bounds, Umar (RA) asked permission to kill them. The Prophet (SAW) pointed out that due to the people having no knowledge of the real situation, they would begin to say that Muhammad has started slaying his own friends.

Delivering Sermons (Khutbah)
When he delivered a sermon (Khutbah), Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used a pulpit, and where a pulpit was not available he used to stand on high ground or mounted on the back of a camel. He always started his sermon with the praise of Allah and ended it on seeking forgiveness from Allah. He quoted Qu’ran in every sermon and preached Islamic doctrine in them.
He always explained profound and important topics in his sermons, which were most important for his followers who needed current clarification.
On every Friday he normally delivered a sermon but he would also give one when and wherever it was necessary and required.

That is why up to today, every Friday, the Imams of Friday prayer in all Friday mosque throughout the world delivered Friday sermon, on current issue concerning the Muslims Umma of the world.
For example, the most current issue affecting the Muslim Umma generally in the last two weeks is the sanction on Islamic Republic of Iran by Government of United States of America (USA) through their President Mr. Donald Trump against the wishes of even the G7 members, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, Canada, Japan and members of European Union (E.U). It is clear that not only Sunnis and Shia but infact the whole world disapproved the sanction. Only two countries Israel the murderers of Palestine youth and children and Wahabiya Nation, the murderers of Jama Khashoghi (the Journalist) and Yemeni women and children approved the action of the great satan according to Imam Khomeni (USA). 

 We are happy that the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hassan Rohani assured the world that the sanction will not affect their economy.
There were still many people who believed that the continuous killing of Palestines by the Israelis and recent killings of Yemeni women and children in the name of  war and more recently the murder of Jamal Khashoghe (the journalist) by Saudi Arabia are all with full knowledge and approval by the great satan according to Imam Khomeni. 

Baba Ali Mustapha is with the department of Planning/Research/Statistic, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

For more knowledge, consult the book OUR PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) by QAZI MUHAMMAD SULAIMAN SALMAN MANSURPURI, Translated by Pervez Aslam Kurki, edited by Abdul Rahman Abdullah, published by DARUSSALAM, P.O BOX, 22743, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


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