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The Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) BY BABA ALI MUSTAPHA

The teachings of Muhammad (S.A.W) and his preaching constitute a very vast subject, presently only the highlights will be mentioned very briefly.

Allah’s Rights Upon His Slave and Vice Versa:
- It is Allah’s Right Upon His Slave that they should worship Him and ascribe no partner to Him.
- The slaves right Upon Allah is that when they fulfil His Rights. He rewards and He does not punish them.

Haya’ (modesty) is a branch of faith.

The Divine Mercy:
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said that Allah in the Book which He has with Him on the Divine Throne, has written
“ My Mercy prevails over my wrath”.

Care and Service to Parents:
A person appeared before the Prophet (S.A.W) and sought his permission to fight against the disbelievers, and he told him that he loves to participate in Jihad. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) asked him to serve his parents if they were alive.

Union is Strength:
Believers one to another are like the bricks of a wall each one strengthens the other. Then he mixed the fingers of one hand into the fingers of the other to express that Muslims should be united in this way.

Who is Muslim?
A Muslim is one spares the Muslims from his tongue and hands.

Perfection of Faith:
None amongst you becomes a true believer unless he wishes the same for his brother as he wishes for himself.

Sweetness and Security of Faith:
There are three things that bring the sweetness of faith:
1.     The love of Allah and His Prophet (S.A.W) must be dearer to him than anything else.
2.     His love for his brother should be only for the sake of Allah.
3.     He must consider leaving the path of Islam and indulging in disbelief of equal to entering fire.

Desirable Action:
They asked the Prophet (S.A.W) “which action is most liked by Allah” He replied:
“The good action which is consistent and regular through it may be less in quantity or size”.
Then he further said:
“do good deeds as much as you can do easily”.

Prohibition of severe practices:
The Prophet (S.A.W) saw a rope hanging in a certain house and asked what was its purpose. He was told that a woman hangs herself by this rope during prayers when she feels drowsy. The Prophet (S.A.W) asked for it to be removed. He said “offer supererogatory prayers that are not troublesome”.
It was brought to the notice of the Prophet (S.A.W) that a woman of Banu Asad worshipped the whole night. The Prophet (S.A.W) forbade her doing so and advised to do good deed within the bounds of one’s limits.
The Prophet (S.A.W) came to know that Abdullah bin Amr bin Al As continuously kept the fast during the day and stood in worship the whole night. The Prophet (S.A.W) inquired about the matter from him and he answered in the positive. The Prophet (S.A.W) asked him to leave this practice and advised him to do it intermittently because your body is entitle to have some rest and your wife also has right upon you.

Dignity of Labor and Condemnation of Begging:
The Prophet (S.A.W) said that if a man carries a bundle of firewood on his back, it is more dignified and good for him while begging is a curse.

Enviable People
The Prophet (S.A.W) said  that only two people are allowed to be envied and they are:
1. The one to whom Allah gave wealth and also gave guidance and talent to spend it wisely and legitimately.
2. The one to whom Allah has bestowed wisdom and who act accordingly and advises others to do likewise.

Be righteous and virtuous, enhance mutual love and affection. Give the glad tidings of paradise to people on behalf of Allah and inform them actions alone cannot take anyone to paradise.

Warning Against Immoral Behaviour:
Beware! Don’t make skepticism and suspicion your habit, and don’t catch wrong notions, pay no attention to false and baseless rumors. Do not find fault with others. Don’t let hatred enter your heart. Be true slaves of Allah and lead a pious life.

Rights of Neighbors and Guests
He who believes in Allah in the day of resurrection, should not be a bother to his neighbor. He who believes in Allah and the day of resurrection should honor the guest.

Speech and Silence
He who believes in Allah and the Day of resurrection, it is essential and incumbent upon to speak well and be precise otherwise should keep quite.

The Prophet’s Guarantee of Salvation:
The Prophet (S.A.W) said that if anyone can guarantee against the misuse of his tongue and his private part, he would guarantee paradise for him.

How to Maintain Patience and Gratitude:
If you happen to see a person who surpasses you in wealth or beauty, also look upon a person who is inferior to you in these qualities.

Definition of Being Strong:
He is not powerful and strong who can knock down and defeat others but the strong one is he who has control over himself while in fury.

He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of good.

Duty of the Preacher in Islam:
When Mu’adh Jabal and Abu Musa Ashari (R.A.) were appointed to preach the Islamic faith in Yemen, the Prophet (S.A.W) advised them and told them to prefer the convenience of the people and not to put them in difficulty. Convey to them glad tidings and do not make them runaway from the faith of Islam. Try to create unity and harmony among yourselves.

Influence of Love:
In the hereafter a person will be with them whom he loves.

Treatment of Prisoners and the Poor
Try to free the imprisoned, feed the hungry and take care of the sick.

Planting of Trees:
If a Muslim plants a tree that provides fruit for men or animals eat from it, it is recorded as charity (Sadaqah) for him.

Kindness to Animals
The Prophet (S.A.W) related that a woman was going somewhere, she felt thirsty and went to a well to draw water from it to drink. She noticed a dog was licking the wet soil. She understood that the dog was also thirsty, so she drew some more water from the well and gave it to the dog. The Prophet (S.A.W) narrated that Allah accepted her good action and rewarded her. The companions asked whether there is a reward for doing good to animals. The Prophet (S.A.W) affirmed and said that kindness to animals is accepted by Allah and counted for reward.

Teaching Slave-Girls:
If a man has a slave-girl, then he educates her and treats her well, and set her free he will be rewarded. If he marries her, he will get double reward.

Who is Hypocrite?
A hypocrite is he who has the following four qualities. If anyone possesses one of these qualities, he is hypocrite to that degree:
1.     When he speaks, he lies
2.     When he promises, he breaks it.
3.     When he is given a trust, he takes it.
4.     He uses abusive and dirty language when excited.

Who is a Muhajir?
A muhajir is he who migrate only for the sake of Allah in His way and keeps his hand off the things forbidden by Allah.

Who will be Under the Shade of Allah’s Throne?
1.     The King who is just.
2.     The young person who worshipped and remembered Allah.
3.     The man who remembered Allah in seculation and tears filled his eyes.
4.     The man who love to stay in the mosque.
5.     The two people who love each other only for the sake of Allah.
6.     The man whom a beautiful and dignified lady tries to seduce in isolation and he declines saying that he fear Allah.
7.     The man who gives charity that no one know about.
These seven will be under the shade of Allah’s throne on the Day of Judgement when there will be no shade except the shade of Allah.

Submission to the Ruler:
If anyone has objection or face unpleasant deed or orders of the ruler, he should be patience. If anyone slightly deviates from obedience to his ruler he will face death- the punishment of the pre-Islamic days.
You will see such unpleasant situations after my passing away, which you will not like. The companions then sought his advice about that area. The Prophet (S.A.W) told them to fulfil the rights of their ruler and seek help from Allah for their rights upon them.

Deal with those who are Authorized:
After the conquest of battle of Hunain, when the Muslims were permitted to set free the captives of Hawzin, the Prophet (S.A.W) told the infidels to go back and ask their dignitaries to present the matter before him. He said, “I do not know who amongst you has agreed concerning this matter and who has not, go back so that your leaders may submit your decision to us”. Their notables came and reported that their people had authorized them to solve the matter.

Protection of Non-Muslims in Accordance to Agreements:
If any Muslim kills a non-Muslim who is protected under any treaty, such a person will not even be able to smell the aroma of paradise, which can be smelled from a distance of a 40 year journey.

Wishing for Death is Prohibited:
None of the Muslims should wish for death. If he is virtuous, maybe he will do more virtuous deeds and raise his status, and if he is evil and a wrong doer, he may yet seek Allah’s pardon and correct himself.

The Supreme Favor:
There are two important bounties of Allah; health and broadmindness which are rarely realized by people.

Excellence of Repayment of Debts:
The Prophet (S.A.W) had to pay back a camel to a certain person. The person wanted to collect his debt. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) bought a better camel than his camel and gave it to him. Then he said that repaying a loan in better quality and in a mannered way indicates a virtuous and superior nature in the person who repays the loan.

Definition of Riches:
Riches are not an abundance of wealth. Wealthier is he who is a more charitable and open-hearted person.

No Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab nor is white in any way better than black. The only criterion for superiority is piety.

Sympathy and Compassion
If anyone does not pity others, he will not have it from Allah.

Inheritance and Heirs
It is better to leave your heir wealth so that he does not seek charity from others.

Dealing with Women
Women are to be regarded as a rib. If you try to straighten it out it will crack. She will function properly in her original shape. Use her as she is.

Status of Women
The woman is a ruler in her husband’s house over her children.

Proficiency in Qur’an
Those proficient in Qur’an will be with righteous and pious angels.

Teaching of Qur’an
The best of you is he who learns the Qur’an and teaches it.

Words Dear to Allah
The Prophet (S.A.W) said, “There are two words which are dear to Most Gracious (Allah) and very easy for the tongue to say but very heavy in weight on the scale on the Day of Judgement. They are:
“Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, subhan-Allahil-azeem”.

The Prophet’s physical features was described in detail by his companions:

The Prophet’s Face
The Prophet’s face was fair, attractive and round. Whenever he was pleased, his face shone bright like full moon, but it would turn crimson when he was angry.
If sweat appeared on his face, the beards glistened like pearls, and the fragrance of his perspiration excelled the smell of must.
The Prophet’s cheeks were soft, his forehead wide, and his eyebrows thin and arched. His eyes were wide, with black pupils, while the whites were mixed with crimson. He has long thick eye lashes.
The bridge of the Prophet’s nose was high and shiny. His mouth was wide, and there were spaces between each of his teeth. His teeth were bright, appearing like tiny hailstones when he smiled, and they sparkled as he talked.
The Prophet’s beard was black, thick and full, covering most of his chest. A few gray hair showed on his ear lobes and chin.

Head, Neck and Heir
The Prophet (S.A.W) had a large head on a long neck. His hair was slightly curly and he wore it parted in the middle. Sometimes he kept his hair so long it touched both shoulders, while at other times it fell just above or below his ear lobes. He had a few gray hair above his forehead, but there was no more than twenty gray hairs on his head and beard together.

The Prophet (S.A.W) was big-boned with large elbows, shoulders, knees and wrists. His palms and feet were wide. His arms were heavy and hairy, and his heels and calves were light. He had broad hirsute shoulders, but his chest was broad and hairless with only a line of hair from his chest to his navel.

Build and Stature
The Prophet (S.A.W) was of a medium build, being neither fat nor thin. He had a straight body. Although he was not particularly tall, he rose above most men in height.

Several of the Prophet’s companions have mentioned a fragrance, sweeter than any perfume, emanating from the Prophet’s body. Anas (R.A.) says: “I never smelt any musk or any other such perform that was as sweet as the fragrance of the Prophet”. Jabir (R.A.) says: “The Prophet’s fragrance lingered after he left, and we could tell which path he had taken by sniffing the air”. If the Prophet (S.A.W) happened to shake hands with anyone, the fragrance would remain with that person for the whole day. When he spread his hand over a child’s head, others would discern his fragrance on the child. Umm Sulaim (R.A.) used to collect some of the Prophet’s sweat in a small bottle and would mix it with perfume.

The Prophet’s Gaif:
The Prophet (S.A.W) was swift-footed and had a firm step. He would rise with a jerk and walk swiftly but smoothly, as if going dawn a slope. He would turn swiftly and gracefully.

Baba Ali Mustapha is of Ngrannam Ward near New Ultra Modern Hospital, Bolori II, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria.

1. Forty encounters with the Beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H) by Dr. Adel Ibn Ali Al-Shiddy (Associate Professor of Qur’an Science at the King Said University), Published by World League, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

2. The Best man who ever lived by Abu Abdurahman, Hisham Muhammed Sa-eed Barghash, Published by Muslim World League, The Global Centre for Introducing the Messenger, Kingdom Saudi Arabia, P.O. Box 361199, Riyadh.

3. Our Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H.) by Qazi Muhammad Sulaiman Salman Mansurpuri, published by Darussalam, Publishers, Riyadh Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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