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Bismillahi Rahmanir Rahim
Huwallahu  Ladhi La Ilaha Illa Huwa

Ar-Rahman     Ar-Rahim                    Al-Malik                      Al-Quddus      Al-Salam
Al-Mu’min      Al-Muhaymin              Al-Aziz                       Al-Jabbar         Al-Mutakabbir
Al-Khaliq        Al-Bari’u                     Al-Musawwir              Al-Gaffar        Al-Qahhar
Al-Wahhab      Ar-Razzaq                   Al-Fattah                     Al-Alim           Al-Qabidu
Al- Basit          Al-Khafid                   Ar-Rafi’u                    Al-Mu’izzu      Al-Mudhillu
Al-Sami’u        Al-Basir                       Al-Hakam                   Al-Adlu           Al-Latif
Al- Khabir       Al-Halim                     Al-Azim                      Al-Ghafur       Ash-Shakur
Al-Aliyyu        Al- Kabir                     Al-Hafiz                      Al-Muqit         Al-Hasib
Al-Jalil             Al-Karim                     Ar-Raqib                     Al-Mujib         Al-Wasi’u
Al-Hakim        Al-Wadud                   Al-Majid                     Al-Ba’ith         Ash-Shahid
Al-Haqqu        Al-Wakeel                   Al-Qawiyyu                Al-Mateen       Al-Waliyyu
Al-Hamid        Al-Muhsi                     Al-Mubdiu                  Al-Mu’idu       Al-Muhyi
Al-Mumit        Al-Hayyu                    A­l-Qayyum                 Al-Wajid         Al-Majid
Al-Wahid        Al-Ahad                      As-Samad                   Al-Qadir          Al-Muqtadir
Al-Muqaddim   Al-Mu’akh-khir         Al-Awwal                   Al-Akhir          Az-Zahir
Al-Batinu        Al-Wali                       Al-Muta’ali                 Al-Barru          Al-Tawwab
Al-Muntaqim  Al-Afuwwu                Ar-Ra’uf                     Malikul Mulki   Dhul-jala-                                                                                                                           wal-  ikram
Al-Muqsit        Al-Jami’u                    Ar-Ghaniyyu               Al-Mugni        Al-Mani’u      
Ad-Darru        Al-Nafi’u                    An-Nur                        Al-Hadi           Al-Badi’u
Al-Baqi           Al-Warith                    Ar-Rashid                   As-Sabur

The Glorified and Exalted Allah say:
‘To Allah belong the excellent names, therefore call Him by it (Q7:180). Glory belongs to Him the Generous Lord,  Beneficent, Merciful, He has taught us His excellent names that which is best of the Present life and that of the Hereafter. Therefore, supplicate unto Him by it and ask Him of His Lofty bounty:
‘And He gives you of all you ask of Him and if you would count the bounty of Allah, you cannot reckon it………(Q14:34)’
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said:
1. ‘Indeed, there are ninety-nine names for Allah, a hundred without one, none will memorise it save that he will enter paradise and He is uneven and He loves (those who believe in His status as) uneven’ Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim from Abu-Huraira, May Allah be pleased with him.
2. ‘Indeed, there are ninety-nine names for Allah the Exalted and the Majestic, whosoever keep the count will enter paradise’

Detailed meanings and explanation of Allah’s noble names:
He is God beside whom there is no other deity, Allah is the greatest of titles for its denotation of the Most High identity embodying all the qualities of Divinity.
Allah,              God,    Lord
2. AR-RAHMAN – The Beneficent
He Who extends His kindness and goodness to all that is in the world without disparity
 3. AR-RAHIM – The Merciful
The Merciful who forgives and give blessing in the Hereafter to those who obey Him in the world.
4. AL-MULK – The Sovereign
The sovereign Lord who possesses all glory and power.
5. AL-QUDDUS- The Holy/The Immaculate
He is far above and free from all short comings, errors, blemishes or any kind of defects.
6. AS-SALAM- The Source of Peace
He who gives tranquillity to His servant and free them from all dangers. He is free from all defect and shortcomings.
7. AL-MU-MIN- The Guardian of Faith
He who place faith in the heart of His servant and grant security against fear.
8. AL-MUHAYMIN – The Preserver of Safety
He who is the most strict observer and protector.
9. AL-AZIZ – The Great
He who is full of dignity and might and unconquerable.
10. AL-JABBAR- The Irresistible
The most strong who subdues His servant to all that He wills or wants.
11. AL-MUTAKBBIR – The Most Great
The possessor of every greatness who is far above the qualities of all creatures.
12. AL-KHALIQ – The Creator
He who creates from nothing and ordain things or who brings things into being through His power and destines a certain amount for everything on His violition and according to His wisdom.
13. AL-BARI – The Evolver
The Maker of all things without having a precedent.
14. AL-MUSAWWIR (The Fashioner)
He who creates, designs, beautifies and coordinates all things.
15. AL- GHAFFAR – The All Forgiving
He who draws a veil over the sins of His slaves in this world and who forgives them in the next world.
16. AL-QAHHAR – The Subduer
He who surmounts all creatures or who defeats tyrant by vanquishing them through death, humiliation and destruction.
17. AL-WAHHAB – The Bestower
He who liberally gives and generously endows and whose kindness knows no bounds.
18. AR-RAZAQ – The Provider/The Sustenance
He who creates the means of living and kindly provides them to His servants.
19. AL-FATTAH – The Opener/The Giver of Decisions
He who governs His creatures or who open the treasures of mercy for all, open solution to all problems, and obstacles.
20. AL-ALIM – The All Knowing
He who is the eternally –all-knowing
21. AL-QABID - The Constrictor/The Retarder
He who constricts. He who limits the means of living for whom He wills.
22. AL-BASIT – The Spreader/The Expander
He who is open-handed. He who expand the means of living for whom He wills.
23. AL-KHAFID – The Abaser/The Lowerer
He Who abases those who disobey. He who diminishes or decreases.
24. AR-RAFIU – The Exalter/The Raiser
He who elevates or uplifts those who obey Him.
25. AL-MU’IZZU – The Giver of Honour
He who makes one glorious, gives dignity and treat one with respect.
26. AL- MUDHILLU – The Giver of Dishonour
He who humiliates, dishonour his foes out of justice. He who degrades whoever He will as well
27. AS-SAMI’U – The All Hearing
He who hears everything without senses or tools due to His highness. He hears the sound made by the creeping of black ants in the dark night on the soundless rock.
28. AL-BASIR – The All Seeing
He who sees everything without sense or tools due to His highness. He who see all that is open or hidden.
29. AL-HAKAM – The Judge
He who judges and whose judgement is irrefutable and whose verdict is unblamable.
30. AL-ADL – The Just
He who is just in His dealings with His creations.
31. AL-LATIF – The Most Kind
He whose actions are gentle and good, or Who knows all the secret and minute things. He who gives blessings to people in most kind ways.
32. AL-KHABIR – The All Awaring
He who knows well the hidden or secret aspect of all things.
33. AL-HALIM – The Clement/The Forbearing One
He who forbears the attitudes of His creature. He who not quick in His vengeance.
34. AL-AZIM – The Great One
He whose greatness, tremendousness and magnificence could not be imagined by any mind.
35. AL-GHAFUR – The Forgiving
He who easily forgives His servants and veil their sins.
36. ASH-SHAKUR – The Appreciative/The Thankful
He who is grateful to His faithful servants and gives rewards for deeds done for Him.
37. AL-ALIYYU – The Most High
He who is higher than all we can see and imagine
38. AL-KABIR – The Most Great
He who is greater than all the greatness man could achieve in terms of glory, honour and dignity.
39. AL-HAFIZ – The Preserver/The Protector
He who preserves, protects and guards His creature. He preserves them from fortune and calamity.
40. AL-MUQIT – The Maintainer
He who feeds, sustains and maintains His creatures without seeking assistance anywhere.
41. AL-HASIB – The Reckoner
He who reckons everything and never forgets anything from deeds of His creatures.
42. AL-JALIL – The Majestic
He who is perfect in all His qualities.
 43. AL-KARIM – The Noble/The Benevolent
He who is generous in bestowing favour and glory to His servants.
44. AR-RAQIB – The Caretaker/The Observer
He who watches everything and every action is firmly under his control
45. AL-MUJIB – The Answerer/The Responsive
He who responds to the call of those who seek his help
46. AL-WASIU – The All Embracing/The Ample-Giving
He who has limitless capacity and abundance of all things. He is ample in knowledge and power
47. AL-HAKIM – The Wise
He whose wisdom encompasses all orders and actions. He whose verdict is full of wisdom.
48. AL-WADUD – The Loving
He who loves the obedient among His servants and shows affection towards them through His bounties.

49. AL-MAJID – The Most Glorious
He who is most Glorious, who reaches excess in honour and grace
50. AL-BA’ITH – The Resurrector
He who gives life to all creatures on the day of judgement.
51. ASH-SHAHID – The Witness/The Attestor
He who is present everywhere and observes or witness all things
52. AL-HAQQ – The Truth
He whose existence is eternally proved. He who is truthful in His words and actions. He is worthy of being worshipped.
 53. AL-WAKIL – The Trustee
He who caters for affairs of His creature and provide a means to solve all problem.
54. AL-QAWWIYYU – The Most Strong/The Powerful
He who is very strong and whose strength transcends His creature imagination.
55. AL-MATIN – The Firm
He who is very strong and firm and who does not become weak or falter
56. AL-WALIYYU – The Patron/The Protecting Friend
He who is a protecting friend to all His righteous servants.
57. AL-HAMID – The Praiseworthy
He who deserves to be praised and glorified by all and sundry
58. AL-MUHSI – The Reckoner/The Keeper of Account
He who reckons the deeds of His servants, numbers of all things and know each of them.
59. AL-MUBDI’U – The Originator
He who is the initiator and creator of everything from the very start
60. AL-MUIDU – The Recreator
He who will re-create everything after annihilation of all things.
61. AL-MUHYI – The Giver of Life
He who gives Life and health to whoever He wills.
62. AL-MUMIT – The Giver of Death
He who creates death and who take the life of whoever He wills
63. AL-HAYYU – The Living/ The Sustainer of Life
He who lives eternally and His strength sufficient for everything.
 64. AL-QAYYUM – The Eternal/ All Perfect One
He who subsists Himself without any assistance
65. AL-WAJID – The Finder/The Discoverer
He who finds whatever He wants or will at whatever time or period He desires.
66. AL-MAJID – The Benign/The Noble
He whose nobility transcends that of His creatures
67. AL-WAHID – The Indivisible One
He is the only One God who is single in His Deity and Lordship and has no partner.
68. AS-SAMAD – The Besought of All
He is the eternally besought of all. He from whom all beings seek for needs.
69. AL-QADIR – The All Powerful/ The Able
He who is able to do whatever He likes and wills. He has power and control over all things.
70. AL-MUQTADIR – The Omnipotent/ The Giver of Power
He who is powerful and dominant than all.
71. AL-MUQADDAM – The Source of Advancement
He who promotes whatever He will.
72. AL-MUAKH-KHIRU – The Source of Retardation
He who hinders or delays whatever he wants
73. AL-AWWAL – The First
He who is the first and nothing precedes Him and yet without beginning
74. AL-AKHIR – The Last
He who is the last, nothing lives after Him and yet without an end.
 75. AZ-ZAHIR – The Apparent/Manifest/Obvious
He who is manifest through His signs and His makings.
76. AL-BATIN – The Latent/The Hidden
He who is concealed by the nature of His identity and His quality. He who is hidden from the visibility of His creation
77. AL-WALI – The Governor
He who governs, directs, conducts, plans, measures and disposes all things.
78. AL-MUTA’ALI – The Most High/Far Above the Creation
He who reaches climax in rising and elevating above all deeds, manners, conditions and thoughts that any being may have.
79. AL-BARR – The GOOD/The Source of Goodness
He who is the Most charitable through His goodness.
80. AT-TAWWAB – The Relenting/Accepter of Repentance
He who is the Most relenting to anyone who repent towards Him by accepting the repentance and pardons the sins.
81. AL-MUNTAQIM – The Avenger
He who punishes the wrongdoers for the abhorred actions. He who avenges on behalf of the oppressed to the oppressor.
82. AL-AFUWWU – The Pardoner/The Absolver
He who pardons and absolves whoever repents sincerely as of he had not sinned before.
83. AR-RAUF – The Kind/Affectionate/Compassionate
He who is most kind, pitiful, compassionate and merciful to His servants
  84. MALIKAL-MULK – Owner of Sovereignty
He who is king of the Kingdom whose will is imposed on His Kingdom and whose verdict is enforced on whatever He wills.
85. DHUL-JALAL-WAL-IKRAM – Possessor, Majesty and Bounty
He who is full of majesty and glory to whom alone are all honour, majesty and perfection and from none but rise honour and dignity.
86. AL-MUQSIT – The Just/The Equitable
He who is just in His actions and does His work accordingly and in a balanced way
87. AL-JAMI’U – The Assembler/The Gatherer
He who is able to gather and collect things anywhere at any time He wants.
88. AL-GHANIYYU – The Self Sufficient/Free from all Want
He who is self-sufficient who needs nothing and absolutely independent of His creation
89. AL-MUGHNI – The Enricher/Source of Richness
He is the source of richness who enriches whoever He will
90. AL-MUTIYYU – The Giver/Bestower
He who give or grants request with dispatch.
91. AL-MANI’U – The Hinderer/Preventer
He who deprives, prevent fortune, misfortune, good and bad from affecting or coming to whoever He will
92. AD-DAR – The Distresser
He who distresses whoever He wills and brings relief to whoever He wills. He who causes harm and also grants relief.
93. AN-NAFIU – The Benefactor
He who benefits. He who creates all things that provides benefits and goodness.
94. AN-NUR – The Light
He who illumines the minds and hearts of His servants. He provides divine light in the heavens and the earth. He who makes every hidden things manifest by bringing it into existence.
95. AL-HADI – The Guide
He who direct or guide the hearts to their betterment and interest
96. AL-BADIU – The Originator/Deviser
He who is the Originator, the deviser, the inventor, He who creates things without having an example to follow or imitates
97. AL-BAQI – The Eternal
He who is everlasting and for whose presence there is no end
98. AL-WARITH – The Inheritor
He who survives after annihilation of all creatures. He who is the legitimate heir (everlasting ownership) of the heavens and the earth
99. AR-RASHID – The Guide to the Right Path
He who rightly directs His creatures and with wisdom guides to the best interest.
100. AS-SABUR – The Patient
He who is patient over his Servants’ attitudes and behaviours. He who delays punishment till the appointed time.

There is strong rumours circulating around the world that Covid 19 virus was man-made virus, developed in a laboratory somewhere in (West) possibly in the U.S.A., then exported to the (East) planted and hatched in Wuhan City of China and spread throughout the world. This rumour first emanated from the Islamic Republic of Iran and France 24 English Service carried out at its News.
The rumour was baseless because the moment you read those noble names of Allah (God) you will realise that Almighty Allah is the creator of everything that includes disease and even death. So Covid 19 is nothing but a disease that Almighty Allah sent to his servant to correct their immorality.

Baba Ali Mustapha is with the Department of Planning/Research/Statistics, Ministry of Environment, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

Virtues and Benefits of Allah’s Noble Names by Sheikh Yusuf Ibn Ibrahim Baqwi, Published by Sarumedia Publishers P.O. Box 5279, Kaduna, Kaduna State, Nigeria
The Responded Supplication, from the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah translated by Ahmad Abdus al-Gawad Ad-Dony, translated by Rizq Waheed Sadiq Muhammad. Published by Dar-Al- Manarah, El Mansaura, Egypt, P.O. Box, 35738, 2012

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